Gym Membership
Every 28 days
NO Contract!
Unlimited Fitness Classes
Unlimited Sauna Use
1 x In-Body Progress Scan Monthly
FREE Guest Pass TWICE per month!
Special Access to all Future Workshops!
Family Plan
Every 28 days
NO Contract!
Unlimited Fitness for You & Immediate Family / Household
FREE Nutrition Tracking with Anchor Up Fit app
Monthly In-Body Progress Scans for Each Member
Unlimited Sauna Use
One Free Guest Pass per week per family
Special Access to all Future Kids Fit events!
1 Week Gym Pass
Unlimited gym access for 7 days
1 In-Body Progress Scan included
Unlimited Classes use for the week
Unlimited Sauna use for the week
Free guest pass for 1 visit
Progress photos
Sync with smart devices
Access a database of thousands of meals
Customizable diet type (Paleo, Vegan, etc.)
Barcode scanner
Virtual check-ins w/ trainers
Workout builder
Direct messaging to your coach
Habit tracking
Daily meal planner w/ grocery list generator
Meet The Team

Ben is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and has extensively studied nutrition & application through a Didactic Program in Dietetics at KSU. He is passionate about nutrition and enjoys empowering others toward their goals. He is a powerlifting coach and has also trained over 10,000 armed forces members in fitness enhancement & a wide range of clients scaling from general goal-setters, and powerlifters, all the way to D1 level athletes.

Felicia is a certified personal trainer & certified yoga instructor through the International Sports Sciences Association. She has always had a passion for health & wellness as well as the study of the human body. She became a licensed massage therapist &worked as a registered chiropractic assistant while attending nursing school. She is currently a RN, BSN, & patient care manager for a local hospital.
Will is a certified personal trainer and certified nutrition specialist through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). He is an experienced and knowledgeable Information Technology and Cyber Professional with strong technical, managerial, and leadership skills.